2 min read
Prisoner statement on Parole
River North Correctional Center My name is Danny Thomas I'm currently serving a sentence of life plus 20. Prior to my incarceration I...
4 min read
Fishback stories as told by a Prisoner at Sussex II
Inmate# 1004406 Adam Davis Hello my name is Adam Davis. I am currently serving a life sentence plus 233 years for a home invasion that I...
2 min read
Parole: A perspective from a family member of a prisoner
Thank you first and foremost for hosting the Prison Reform Rally. It was my first time attending an event like such but I really enjoyed....
4 min read
Prison Reform Rally: A Prisoner's Statement "Do not pass me by."
"Do Not Pass Me By" Virginia is moving toward a reformation of its' parole system after realizing that the "get tough on crime...
2 min read
A Poem Written for the Coalition for Justice on Parole
"I'm only human" y'all got my back against the wall, & I dont see a way out & the judge as well, as the jury are the law abiding tax...