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A VAPOC member's response to the Prison Reform Rally on 1/20/18

*VAPOC (Virginia Prisoner of Conscience) would like to thank everyone who came out to make the prison reform rally a success. It was truly a monumental day. We want to give a special thanks to Margaret Breslau of "Coalition for Justice" and Phil Wilayto of "The Defenders," for all of their hard work and dedication to the movement to end mass incarceration. If not for them and their organizations there would have been no rally. To all of the speakers we thank you, and to all those who wanted to speak and did not get a chance to, we all want to hear from you, so know that this is just the beginning and we need you all to be involved. We will be having a conference call in the very near future to follow up on the rally and we are inviting all to tune in. The lawmakers can no longer deny us. Our voices must be heard. Let us proceed to push forward and set aside our differences for our unity is the key. The rally was only a small glimpse into the future and in order to get there we have to do it together. Peace and Justice to the unified family. - Hassan Shabazz #PrisonReform

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