Prison Overcrowding, another form of punishment
Prison overcrowding has become the number one issue as it pertains to prisons in Virginia. Undoubtedly this is because of Truth-In-Sentencing which has resulted in an increase from 18,000 in 1995 to approximately 40,000 present day. This is resulting in cruel and unusual punishment due to lack of resources, and an inability to provide for the needs of the prisoners. Inadequate medical care, dental care, mental health care, food service, and education has taken a back seat to the business of warehousing for the purpose of profit. Prisoners in other states have filed class actions for the same conditions that we face in VA and the courts have made the Department of Corrections decrease the prison population in those states. We as prisoners must speak out. We must grieve these issues and let our voices be heard, and then we must demand that the powers that be give us the relief that we deserve. - Hassan Shabazz #VAPOC