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A Good Man (a poem)

Where have all the good men gone;

Spread out in other places instead of

where the belong.

Some have caught early deaths.

Others to leave our women

to fend for themselves.

And I know like you know

that ain't how it's supposed to be.

I'm a King and my Queen

should be close to me.

Insead, it's her intuition and

independence she depends on,

her and her girls,

'cause the good men have gone.

So as men we wonder why our

females are so bitter;

maybe cause she wants a go-getter,

a man she can trust that's

not a quitter.

Giving her all the things

she grew up believing in --

commitment, trust, loyalty and decisiveness.

Just a few of the qualities of leading men.

So as a man, we must stop giving

our time to the streets, drugs, and cells.

Get back to being what's good

for our females.

Change our thought pattern and views.

If not, we we'll never win

but always lose.

After all who doesn't want a partner

they can love, depend on and trust?

It's about men being men and

women being able to depend on us.


a man

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