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Postpartum Depression & Its Consequences

Many women who never had a child before aren't much aware that following the birth of your newborn baby a.k.a. "The Fourth Trimester," is a time when most women go through the most emotional, physical and mental changes. Our bodies go through some drastic changes such as hot flashes, panic disorders, and vaginal bleeding for up to five to six weeks, as the placenta heals over in the uterus. Being in a hospital after giving birth isn't typically the ideal place to rest after your newborn baby is born. It's important that you have someone supportive out there (whether it's a family member, or close friend) to help you so that you can have enough energy to be fully present for your baby, and give them your full undivided attention. If you don't have that support, over time you'll develop symptoms of depression, and you will become a member of the postpartum depression club. Why would I suggest that? Unfortunately, I joined that club.

Postpartum depression is real, but it is also underdiagnosed. About 85% of women experience the "baby blues" for up to three weeks after they've welcomed their babies into the world. With me, I dealt with severe depression. Adding that, I was young in age, I experienced loneliness and abandonment. I had countless thoughts of failing, and I felt horribly ugly. I also felt as though no one loved me anymore including my husband and family members. None of them helped me when I gave birth, so I really felt as though I was on my own with entire experience. I didn't know what to do; because it was my first child; I've never changed a diaper nor fed a baby. I was seeking help from everywhere, I even went on "YouTube" to obtain help! I was sleep deprived, and exhausted, I looked as though I could have belonged to the raccoon family. It wasn't a healing time for me, it was a hurtful time to say the least. It's hard to prove a woman has postpartum because it's not a popular topic of conversation. A lot of women are scared to speak up about it because they feel as though no one will believe them, if they said something was wrong.

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