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Just How Much Punishment Is Enough?

Just how much punishment is enough? When does it become considered excessive?I feel that when people reach a certain age or a health condition renders them nearly handicapped, or in some cases I've seen, completely handicapped, they should be released! Seriously, what else could they possibly do? Some of these poor women are barely mobile. Others are more severe. I once worked with a woman whom was already bound to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. While the rest of us did the physical requirements of the job, this sweet woman tutored women in computer literacy. This woman had held this job for quite some time before she was forced to quit. She was also no longer allowed to go to the chow hall to eat with the rest of us even though she had someone to aid her at all times. Unfortunately, she was already permanently housed in the infirmary. How inhumane is it to be confined to a small area inhaling only stale and sickly air? No fresh air, no sunshine. What heartless, truculent individual decided this? Mercilessly, this is not only allowed, but seemingly acceptable in the state of Virginia. What is wrong with these people? What if she was their mother or grandmother? At some point it becomes a bit redundant! Stop it! Let these poor people go home and live out the rest of their lives peacefully. What more do you want from them?

Note from the Coalition for Justice: We do not know if this woman was geriatric or terminally ill prisoner but note that Bills HB 2461, introduced by Delegate Mark Sickles and SB 1786 , introduced by Senator Dick Saslaw, both FAILED in the 2019 General Assembly. The bills: Conditional release of geriatric, terminally ill, or permanently physically disabled prisoners.Provides that any person serving a sentence imposed upon a conviction for a felony offense, other than a Class 1 felony, who is terminally ill as defined in the bill or who is permanently physically disabled as defined in the bill is eligible for consideration by the Parole Board for conditional release. The bill also provides that any person serving such sentence (i) who is 65 or older and has served at least five years of the sentence imposed or (ii) who is 60 or older and has served at least 10 years of the sentenced imposed is eligible for consideration by the Parole Board for conditional release without the need to petitionthe Parole Board.

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